Free Webinars

Want to see our training in action? We offer free webinars to help you learn more about our tools and get a firsthand experience of what our workshops are like.

3D Relationships: The Key to Business Success

Business relationships are more difficult today than ever before. Between political correctness, cancel culture, and microaggression, we live in a more divisive society where forming lasting relationships of trust and respect seems almost impossible.

Add that to the fact that 75% of employees leave a job for “people problems” (not job tasks, money, or getting skipped for promotion) and management has a huge hurdle. That’s why having the right tools makes all the difference.

This free webinar will introduce you to 3D Relationships which includes three powerful tools to help you form effective relationships with anyone. IFI Training’s 3D Relationships tools are:

  • Jungle Motives™ personality assessment that is more accurate and inclusive than any other personality assessment (and FREE at
  • The Five Wave Model™ is a more powerful way (perspective) to understand the differences in people than the generational model.
  • Spots & Stripes™ is a tool to increase the depth of existing business relationships to build trust and respect.

These 3D Relationships tools work together to provide a complete view of individuals you work with including why they do what they do. By using IFI Training’s 3D Relationships, you will:

  • Improve employee engagement by creating a culture of inclusiveness
  • Increase team morale and productivity with better performance evaluations.
  • Decrease turnover by giving managers real-world skills to meet the needs of their employees.
  • Develop a Leadership Pipeline from team leads to C-suite leaders.
  • Decrease disagreements and misunderstandings with more effective communication.

All IFI Training webinars are tool-based and exercise-driven, giving you the ability to turn insights into immediate action.

Sign Up for Upcoming Events

Interested in learning more? Our next 3D Relationships: The Key to Business Success webinar will be announced soon. Sign up for more info. We hope to see you there!

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